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The Truth Channel

Updated: Apr 28, 2020

Rashid A. Buttar, DO, FAAPM, FACAM, FAAIM

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Highly reputable Dr. Buttar, a frequent guest on numerous mainstream media channels tells the truth about is really going on with Covid19. Pay Attention! He probably won't be invited back after this expose'!


Biographical Information

Dr. Rashid A. Buttar became an Eagle Scout at the age of 14, becoming the youngest person in the US to get his Eagle in 1980. Dr. Buttar graduated high school at age 17 and received his undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis with a double major in Biology and Theology at age 21. Dr. Buttar then attended medical school at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa, graduating with his medical degree at age 25.

Dr. Buttar did a rotational internship with an emphasis in General Surgery in Houston, Texas and then later trained in General Surgery at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. While serving in the US Army, Dr. Buttar also served as Brigade Surgeon for 2nd Infantry Division, Republic of South Korea, and later as Chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Moncrief Army Community Hospital at Ft. Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina while serving in the US Army.

Dr. Buttar made the list for promotion to Major in the US Army at the age of 28, becoming the youngest person to make the list for the rank of Major that year in the US Army just prior to finishing his service in the Armed Forces. During his military career, Dr. Buttar had the privilege of serving with and being attached to the 2nd Infantry Division, the 101st Air Assault Division and the 5th Special Forces Group.

Dr. Buttar is board certified and a Diplomate in Clinical Metal Toxicology and Preventive Medicine, is board eligible in Emergency Medicine and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical organizations (Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, Fellow of the American Academy of Preventive Medicine, and Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine).

Dr. Buttar now serves as the Medical Director for the Centers for Advanced Medicine. The Centers are located in NC, TX, and CA, specializing in the treatment and needs of patients refractory to conventional treatments who have failed the standard approach to their disease process. With a special emphasis on the interrelationship between environmental toxicity and the insidious disease processes and the “dis-regulation” of the immune system, Dr. Buttar and the Centers have attracted patients from over 90 different countries suffering from autism, cancer, heart disease, stroke and many other conditions too numerous to list.

Dr. Buttar previously served as Director of Clinical Research and Development for V-SAB Medical Laboratories where he was extensively involved in research with polypeptide and peptide analog sequencing and identification technologies as well as innovative methodologies for drug delivery mechanisms. In addition, Dr. Buttar was heavily involved in clinical outcome-based research and response based studies with various groups including personal interest, private BioTech companies, university-based projects, and government-sponsored clinical research.

Dr. Buttar has lectured worldwide on these subjects at scientific congresses and professional symposiums and has been frequently invited to present at medical conferences. He has appeared and been featured in local, national and international media including newspapers, radio, and TV. He has been interviewed by or written about in numerous news journals including the Wall Street Journal, US News and World Report, TIME Magazine, Boston Globe and the New York Times. Dr. Buttar has been invited to and testified in front of the North Carolina Legislature as well as the United States Congress, giving special testimony before the Congressional Sub-committee on Human Rights and Wellness. Phillips Publishing, Health Directions Inc., and Stephen Sinatra, MD have either listed or cited Dr. Buttar as being among the “Top 50 Doctors in the United States”.

Dr. Buttar served as Educational Chair for the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology (ABCMT) for 3 years and was in charge of the national training program that leads to Board Certification in Clinical Metal Toxicology. Dr. Buttar then became the Vice Chairman and eventually was elected as Chairman of the ABCMT and served in those capacities for over 6 years. Dr. Buttar was also a member of the 12 member National Metals Task Force, appointed to address the endemic nature of metal toxicity and the resulting implications on world health during the administration of President George W. Bush.

Dr. Buttar also served as President of the North Carolina Integrative Medical Society for 6 years and also headed up 2 other medical societies in the past as President including the Advanced Medical Education and Services Physician Association and Center for Advanced Medicine Physician Associates. He has served on numerous boards as well as CME committees for a number of medical organizations and societies including the American Association for Health Freedom, Age Management Medical Group, International College of Integrative Medicine and American College for Advancement in Medicine.

Dr. Buttar also served in the past as Visiting Scientist as well as Nutritional Scientist at North Carolina State University and actively taught for well over 20 years as faculty for mainstream medical courses such as Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) courses for physicians through the American College of Surgeons as well as the Advanced Cardiac Life Support courses for physicians, nurses and emergency response personnel. In addition, Dr. Buttar served as faculty for the Pediatric Advanced Life Support courses for over 15 years.

Dr. Buttar’s first book, “The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away” released in 2010 became a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and best seller and has since, become an international best seller now translated into multiple languages. To access more information and learn more about the principles and philosophy of Dr. Buttar, or to be notified when Dr. Buttar releases new videos or books, or to simply stay in touch with Dr. Buttar, visit the following links and hit subscribe!

  • - Explaining toxicity, and gives you access to a health tool designed to figure out the level of burden your organs of detoxification are under.

  • – Provides detail on how you can join the Livestream broadcasts every Monday evening New York time at 8:15 pm, followed by our private IADFW (International Association for a Disease-Free World) Livestream broadcasts exclusive to our members. Visit this link to learn about the many benefits of the IADFW and to learn how the IADFW membership has the potential to literally change your life!

  • - The website for the medical clinic in North Carolina.

  • – This is the original website for the original clinic Dr. Buttar started almost 25 years ago. This link and the one above are both websites for the clinic providing services to patients from 93 different countries today.

  • – This website is where you can create your own FREE Dashboard and get access to one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful health assessment tools available anywhere in the world today. Best of all, you have 100% FREE access to this health assessment tool, called the AHEAD Map™ (Advanced Health Evaluation and Assessment for Detoxification, Medical Assessment Program). Click on this link to learn more…but access is available by invitation only. Click on one of the first 2 links above if you do not have an invitation code. Need an invitation code? Enter 65628 when asked and you will be able to watch all the videos in the series. To share that platform with others, use your own code from the top right corner after you login.

Facebook Videos by Dr. Rashid Buttar:


Dr Rashid Buttar, another truther: COVID19 Conspiracy Facts vs Fiction - FULL VIDEO (PARTS 1 to 6)

This video contains all 6 parts in one 4-hour presentation. If it is deleted from YouTube in the near future, try the other options below.


Covid-19 Virus Conspiracy? Facts vs Fiction: Part 1- Dr. Rashid A. Buttar

Watch this video directly on Bitchute

The dilemma created with the Covid-19 Virus breakout was fueled by a lack of intellectual integrity within the mainstream media and inherent conflicts of interest in parties directly or indirectly involved. These included companies vested in looking for a scapegoat to divert attention from their responsibility, something which becomes evident as more of the information becomes disclosed. Comparing the death toll from the covid-19 virus totaling right at 13,000 as of March 21, 2020, compared to the total number of deaths so far in 2020 throughout the world from all causes of mortality, now over 13 million, it becomes a wonder why are we suddenly concerned about 0.1% of the causes of death?

Even more suspect is that the numbers of full recoveries with most people only remaining ill for 48 hours dwarfs the deaths but are not being reported. Why? It makes one wonder what the real agenda is behind the massive rollout of restrictions and recommendations of self-isolation and social distancing? Well, the agenda may not be as obscure as one may imagine. You just have to follow the motive. Part 2 will cover the next component...stay tuned.


Covid-19 Virus Conspiracy? Toxicity Ignored: Part 2 - Dr. Rashid A. Buttar

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The level of toxicity in Wuhan was documented as far back as 2013 when people began complaining in Wuhan. Numerous reports of public outcry in 2015 culminated with BBC and CNN coverage of the mass protests in Wuhan due to the incinerator pollution garnering enough attention to gain the ear of the international community in 2016 and 2017. As recently as July 2019, more public demonstrations and clashes occurred between citizens and police due to social unrest because of the level of incinerator pollution was growing unchecked.

So the level of toxicity in this particular city was extraordinary but in typical fashion, the “virus hunters” came out and shut out the “toxicity exposers” in the medical and scientific world. But this is not the first time or the 10th time the toxicity issue has been ignored or minimized. In fact, this seems to be the standard approach. Why? Because an industry or company can be held responsible for the resulting catastrophic issues it may be responsible for if it is identified as a toxicity issue. But with a virus or bacteria, no one can be held responsible. And so, a virus becomes the perfect scapegoat.

Even more suspect is that the numbers of full recoveries with most people only remaining ill for 48 hours dwarfs the deaths but are not being reported. Why? It makes one wonder what the real agenda is behind the massive rollout of restrictions and recommendations of self-isolation and social distancing? Well, the agenda may not be as obscure as one may imagine. You just have to follow the motive. Part 3 will cover the real history of COVID-19 and what you probably never knew. Neither did I, until I read the studies...stay tuned.



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The connection between 5G, calcium channel blockers, and Coronavirus.


World Health Organization links:

What are electromagnetic fields?



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To Access this deleted Video on, you need to create a free account and need an invitation code. Enter 65628 when asked and you will be able to watch all the videos in the series. To share that platform with others, use your own code from the top right corner after you login.

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Part 6 UPDATE: Covid-19 Conspiracy? Full video coming soon... Dr Rashid A Buttar

This video gives an update to the release of the much-anticipated Part 6 in the ongoing expose on the "COVID-19 Conspiracy?" video series. Almost daily interviews since the release of this information have delayed the recording as well as a constantly evolving landscape have created a tremendous amount of information to process and review. The good news is more and more doctors are finally beginning to voice their concerns with the lack of science in this entire fiasco, the lack of journalistic integrity in the media and the complicit nature of misinformation being fed to the global community directly conflicting with observation, science, medicine, logic and common sense. This indeed does appear to be a conspiracy on the highest levels, one that envelopes some of the biggest companies and some of the wealthiest individuals on the planet. Watch this video to learn what Part 6 will cover, as well as answer some of the most prevalent questions being asked about how to watch Parts 3 through 5 which were censored. In addition, some additional resources are pointed out, explanations are provided and some updates are given. For those who seek more resources and information, this video provides some key information for you to be able to access the information desired and to clarify some portions that may have been confusing in the past. If you find this information to be valuable, or if you find yourself asking "why is this information being censored" of all places, in the USA, you are NOT alone. Literally, hundreds of thousands have seen this information and shared it with others. And it has garnered the attention of the world with interview requests coming in from other countries now! Pay it forward and share this information with everyone you care about.



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Coming shortly After the Live Broadcast on April 21, 2020.


Part 1 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid Buttar

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On April 13, 2020, the following report was released:

"In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task Force has, effectively, dumped the Bill Gates/CDC/WHO predictive contagion model, and is now working with the real data.

He explained on the Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow, that given the new data, businesses will begin to re-open as early as May, others in June.

This runs contrary to the out-and-out fear-mongering of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates who have made a media tour, threatening the public that businesses may not re-open for six months to a year, or until and unless governments purchase their conveniently patented, big-pharma vaccination.

According to Dr. Adams: “What the American people need to know now is we actually have data, and so we’re tracking that data,”

Before this about-face, which appears to have come as an order from the Trump administration in consultation with the findings of Dr. Adams, the task force was working with predictive models’, which had been created by the Bill Gates dominated WHO and CDC. Dr. Fauci’s control over the CDC has been criticized in the past for its for-profit motive in handling a range of illnesses from HIV to H1NI.

In those inflated, ‘fear-based’ models, the deaths of millions worldwide, and hundreds of thousands in America, were touted. These were used as the basis for what many experts have termed a ‘grossly disproportionate response‘.

Previously, the task force was working with predictive models, frequently criticized because of their tendency to exaggerate the possible effect of the virus on the United States. Models predicting the deaths of millions and hundreds of thousands in America appear to be overblown, as the real-time data is showing the death count much lower.

And that is assuming the numbers being reported are actually accurate. And even if they are accurate, they still are below that of the average flu season and still lower than this years flu season. It's important to remember that with the false positives, change in criteria to attribute death to Covid-19 despite other significant comorbidity, and media deception depicting massive amount of loss of life despite an overwhelming amount of evidence that what the media is reporting is not accurate, the actual numbers of Covid-19 deaths is far less than what is being reported.

The question is, Why is the mainstream media NOT talking about what the Surgeon General stated? Instead of reporting on businesses returning to normal by May 2020 as the Surgeon General explained in his XM interview, mainstream media has relentlessly increased it's fear mongering and deception. In this video, Part 1 and 4, Dr. Buttar asks this question and begins to look at the possible answers.


Part 2 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar

Watch this video directly on Bitchute

What steps can we take as individuals? First, we need to be empowered with as much information as possible. Part 2 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! explains the history of how we got here. At least, a part of that history. Also, Dr. Buttar calls out doctors and scientist who are not talking and then asks the critical question, how did Fauci know 3 years before that there was going to be a pandemic during the next 4 years??? Please watch this completely, and watch it again... and then pass it on to your friends and family so they have the opportunity to become empowered as well with this knowledge. Part 3 of 4 will be released tomorrow. And also, watch the video "A Special Time-Sensitive Message" from Nia Peeples, Dr. Lipton and Dr. Buttar.


Part 3 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar

How did Fauci know? How did he know there was going to be a "surprise pandemic" as far back as 2017? Did Fauci threaten the whistleblower, Dr. Judy Mikovits, who worked at the NIH for 22 years? Dr. Buttar goes into detail on this topic, and then discusses the lack of support for the "stay at home" and "social distancing" that's become the new status quo. Sweden and demonstrations are also discussed. Also, all the FREE resources are discussed available at well as a brief description is provided of the IADFW (International Association for a Disease Free World). Watch this video and pass it on! It's up to us to make sure the world KNOW the truth!


Part 4 of 4 - Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar

Dr Buttar discusses the US Constitution, the CDC, The WHO, as well as the evolutionary process we are going through. This is the most important of the 4 Parts - Time to WAKE UP! How to get organized, mass gatherings, what our children will remember, and a reminder to all US Military and law enforcement, both retired and active duty are discussed.

Remember to look into the IADFW (International Association for a Disease-Free World). Watch this video and pass it on! It's up to us to make sure the world knows the truth!


A Special Time-Sensitive Message from Nia Peeples, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton and Dr. Rashid A. Buttar.

Please listen to this urgent message and call-to-action. Make sure to take this action every time the clock hits 11:00 am and 11:00 pm in your own time zone, for the next 48 hours, for a total of 4 times in the next 48 hours. And please, share this with ALL your friends, family and loved ones. Ask them to do the same thing, and ask them to pass this on and pay it forward. With gratitude and blessings!



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