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Video Playlists

Enjoy the following dynamic feed playlists that are synced to our YouTube channel. As we add new videos there they will be updated here automatically. No need to navigate the YouTube interface to enjoy this content right here. 

Creation vs Evolution - Hydroplate Theory

Creation vs Evolution - Hydroplate Theory
The Hydroplate Theory  The Flood  Newer version

The Hydroplate Theory The Flood Newer version

Play Video
Hydroplate Theory Overview (parts 1-6 combined)  updated

Hydroplate Theory Overview (parts 1-6 combined) updated

Play Video
Hydroplate Theory:  Origin of the Grand Canyon

Hydroplate Theory: Origin of the Grand Canyon

Play Video

Creation vs Evolution - The Heavens Declare

Creation vs Evolution - The Heavens Declare
The Heavens Declare | Episode 1 | The Origin of the Universe | Kyle Justice

The Heavens Declare | Episode 1 | The Origin of the Universe | Kyle Justice

Play Video
The Heavens Declare | Episode 2 | Challenges to the Big Bang | Kyle Justice

The Heavens Declare | Episode 2 | Challenges to the Big Bang | Kyle Justice

Play Video
The Heavens Declare | Episode 3 | The Starlight Travel Dilemma | Kyle Justice

The Heavens Declare | Episode 3 | The Starlight Travel Dilemma | Kyle Justice

Play Video

Creation vs Evolution - Global Flood

Creation vs Evolution - Global Flood
Mountains After the Flood - Watch the Full Film

Mountains After the Flood - Watch the Full Film

Play Video
Is Genesis History? | Life Questioning Documentary exploring veracity of Genesis

Is Genesis History? | Life Questioning Documentary exploring veracity of Genesis

Play Video
Does Coal Prove the Earth is Young?

Does Coal Prove the Earth is Young?

Play Video

Evolution or Creation?

Evolution or Creation?
Watch John destroy Evolution in 5 minutes

Watch John destroy Evolution in 5 minutes

Play Video

Scriptural Truth

This section is devoted to biblical accuracy that deals with many topics that are often controversial, deliberately confusing, and typically censored by mainstream platforms that seem to fear the truth that is dangerous to popular narratives. We aim to provide clarity and dispel misconceptions that are rampant in Christianity. If a message angers you for some reason, then you should reflect on why? These messages stand on scriptural authority and cannot be easily or logically refuted.


These videos are embedded into this site or linked to from this database and streamed from their native platforms. 

Zionism and Wars in the Middle East
The Wars Of The Jews - 10_22_23 By Pastor Chuck Baldwin-720p.jpg
Is the Hamas Israeili War Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy - 10_15_23.jpg

Geopolitical Truth

This section is devoted to exposing the dangerous and evil connections between Israel and the New World Order, and how the biblical/spiritual Israel is NOT the same as the physical state of modern-day Israel. This section also deals with many topics that are controversial, deliberately confusing, and usually heavily censored by mainstream platforms that are, in reality, part of the propaganda deception machine designed to hide the truth from Christians while painting an alternate false reality that will lead to the great falling away described in scripture. We help you to "test all things and hold fast to what is true" as urged in the book of Thessalonians. 

We aim to provide clarity and dispel misconceptions that are rampant in Christianity. If a message angers you for some reason, then you should reflect on why you are disturbed? Let your conscience guide you to the truth.


These videos are embedded into this site or linked to from this database and streamed from their native platforms. 

Israel, The New World Order, Wars, and Rumors of Wars
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